We recognize the busy schedule most parents today keep and time is not a luxury to be wasted. As your photographer we aim to make your Photo Day easy, quick and as stress free as possible with these simple guidelines for coaches, managers and parents.
Arrive Early
arrive at least 20 minutes prior to your scheduled picture time. Upon
arrival, gather your team and stay together as a group. Send a team rep
over to check in with our staff once most of your team has arrived.
However if waiting on few members to arrive we’ll start on your player’s
individual pictures at your scheduled picture time. If players are
still missing just prior to your team picture, you can then elect to
wait for them.
Product Display and Sales Table
bring a sales table with plenty of samples, extra order forms and some
friendly staff to answer questions or help place / collect orders.
Questions and Help
Our friendly attendants will be available to assist you with any questions or if you need help.
Player Prep Staging Area
Before players enter the staging area please double check:
1) Jerseys are tucked
2) Strings are tucked into pants
3) Faces are clean
4) Hats and/or hair is in place
Keep players in line shortest to tallest
waiting in the photography area, coaches and managers is your
responsibility to keep the players in an orderly line. The line should
be single file, shortest to tallest.
Players, Coaches and Manager Only in the Photography Area
ask that only players and coaches enter the photography area. We
understand that some younger players may need additional assistance from
their parents but we ask that this be kept to a minimum. Any parents
within the photo area are there to help the coach with all of the
players, not just one. Keeping the area free of congestion allows for a
smoother operation and results in an easy, quick and stress free Photo
Please No Parent Photography
are not allowed to take pictures within the photo area. This distracts
the players, slows down the process and potentially reduces the quality
of the photographs, if players are looking away at the parents. Please
respect this policy and allow us the opportunity to make the best
possible photographs in an undistracted environment
Have Questions?
If you have questions contact us at